A legenda visszatért és jobb mint valaha!

Host Anywhere

1973 óta gyártásban!

Predom Baby lakókocsi

Over 400 Amazing Blocks

Az egész világon sikeres! Európán kívül az USA-ban, Kanadában, Kínában és Dél-Koreában népszerű

Műszaki adatok, alapfelszereltség

Össztömeg750 kg
Saját tömeg640-650 kg
Belső méret (HxSzxM)270x184x185 cm
Teljes külső méret (HxSzxM)388x194x218 cm
Fekhelyek száma3 (Baby D és E kivitelnél), 2 (Baby ET kivitelnél)
Ágy méret 1184x122 cm
Ágy méret 2184x50 cm (Baby D kivitelnél), 148x80 (Baby E kivitelnél)
Felépítmény anyagaüvegszálas műanyag
TengelyAL-KO/Knott, 1 db torziós tengely ráfutófékkel és kézifékkel (opcionálisan fék és kézifék nélkül), extraként rendelhető lengéscsillapítókkal

Predom Baby DIY üres


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.

Predom Baby D


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.

Predom Baby E

Shape your future web project with sharp design and refine coded functions.


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.

Predom Baby ET


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.


Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. Mobirise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today.

Extra felszereltség

Click blue "Gear" icon in the top right corner to hide/show search and info, change the the table background and other parameters. In browser click on the table head to sort the table, use search to filter the table.

Truma gázfűtés
Diesel fűtés
Pad alatti hűtő-fűtő klímaberendezés
Kombirolók az ablakokon
Szúnyogháló az ajtón
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó
USB csatlakozó

Lakókocsipark Érd
Érd 2030
Rákóczi Ferenc utca 123


Telefon: +36 20 520-7978

Website Building Software